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Walsall Town Show 2010

ByKevin Simon

Aug 17, 2010

We visited the Walsall town show on Sunday 15th August which was held at the Walsall Arboretum. The price of entry was £3 per adult / child, we parked on the broadway, so not sure if you had to pay for parking on the site. I have to admit there really wasn’t any signs on entrance to Walsall town centre saying which way to go or anything about parking. Also no signs even from the entrance to the park play area on the Broadway.

There was the main arena, where the monster trucks and bike shows were being held. There was a lot of rides for the kids, the average price was £2.50, so could have worked out a expensive day if the kids went on all the rides. Though my daughter did enjoy the crooked cottage, this was only £1.50. There was also a kind of sand pit are for the kids to play in.

Because it most of the rides was by Pat Collins, they had a few of there old trucks on display. Also was some steam engines on display. There was also some charity stalls selling different things including books etc. The one marque had model in these included models of fairground rides, these were very detailed and I especially enjoyed looking at them

There was a marque with different rabbits in most in cages, but there were two that the kids could stroke, the kids did enjoy seeing and touching the rabbits, which I have to admit some of them were very cute.

We did enjoy the motor bikes jumping over the ramps, the shows were on each hour alternating between the monster trucks and the bikes. The first show of the monster trucks was at 1pm, this was the one monster truck going around the arena then over some scrap cars  about for times. It was very noisy but good. The display wasn’t that long, but still nice to see the truck. The main event was at 3pm, but we left before that, as not that much else to do there other than the rides, but like I say they could have worked out expensive.

All in all was a nice few hours out, but not enough there really to keep the kids occupied, unless you wanted to keep paying for the rides. We took a packed lunch instead of having to pay sometimes inflated prices for the food on offer. The one good thing is you could get your hand stamped to get back in throughout the day. So was worth going but if on next year I probably wont bother going. I have been to the Wolverhampton’s town show and to be honest this is a better town show than the walsall one and last time I went was even free.

Click the link below or the link to my photo albums at the top of the page to see more photos from the day.

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The Walsall town show for 2013 runs from Saturday and Sunday 10 and 11 August 2013 at the Walsall Arboretum to see full details click HERE

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By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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