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Walking Hiking Stick Camera Monopod Review

ByKevin Simon

Feb 16, 2023

Original written review in 2017 updated video review in 2023 see video below

One of main passions is walking and photography and unfortunately recently I have developed a heath problem that makes it difficult to walk and because I’m in pain I walk hunched forward which really isn’t doing my back any good, to help I have had one of my late grandfather and father’s walking cains. Though I had a look around on amazon and found a walking stick with camera attachment, I got mine and said It was from a manufacturer Hama, though when received the name on it is Better, though also have seen the same stick with Camlink as the manufacture. From the images and the model that I have got they all look the same. Price range seems to be between £15 – £20.

BUY one here on Amazon

The walking stick is expandable from 67cm To 140cm, you have three different poles that you can adjust to suit your needs, two have them have measurement markers. To adjust the height you twist the poles to loose then extend then twist the opposite way to tighten back up. In the middle one there is a spring mechanism, which give the stick anti-shock cushioning for comfortable walking.

On the handle of the stick is the camera attachment this is under a little compass on the one that I got the compass was broken slightly as the pin that holds the compass dial was too loose, which meant the compass dial wouldn’t move correctly, to be honest when ordered this didn’t know there was a compass and I didn’t need it so I prised it out of the outer case. As still need the outer case as this screws onto the camera thread. My camera is a Nikon P610 bridge camera and when this was fully tightened onto the thread the camera pointed more to the left of the handle. I wanted it centre, you could twist the camera to the centre but was loose so just put a paper type washer onto the thread which made it tight and pointing forward.

The first day of using this walking stick was normal use around the house and supermarket, but then we was going away for a few days break camping, which meant I could give it a good test. We are National Trust members so went around a few country house and gardens, around town etc and also walking on the beach. I have only recently been walking with a stick using this walking stick is more comfortable to use than the wooden chain I have been using this is mainly due to the anti shock system and depending on the conditions being able to adjust the height did help.

The main reason for getting this type was to have the camera attached and mostly using while we was away I used with the camera attached and have to admit was brilliant as first the camera is always to hand, as normally have it around my neck, using the stick all had to do is either lift the stick slightly or bend down slightly to take photos. The support of the stick did help me steady myself as well as the shot. The only problem I found is taking portrait photos, the head is adjustable from vertical to horizontal but then makes the camera face down. Which I found myself rotating the stick, though If you loosen the camera thread slightly you can get portrait shots but remember to fully tighten after.

After 3 days of full use out of this stick I lost the ferrule, not sure how, started walking the one morning and went into the ground, checked around where I was but couldn’t find it. As this happened the last day of our weekend break I had to revert to my old cain. So once back messured the size for the ferrule and because is slightly tapered the bottom size is 10mm and where the top of the ferrule would be is 12mm. So I order four rubber ferrules that were 12mm, they only cost £2 so wouldn’t have wasted that much if didn’t fit. Once got them which unfortunately took a week to arrive. This size was slightly too big in diameter but put some insulation tape around the stick and made it perfect fit. So now I know the size for this type of walking stick would be 11mm. As the ones I brought were cheap they didn’t have a washer within the ferrule, so the metal end for the stick wore through within only a few hours of using and that was on soft ground. Putting in a small metal nut in the bottom of another one seems to have worked so far until get some better ones.

Even though I got this because of my mobility problems now, but to be honest should have gone one before as really does make it better for when walking as does give you support and the camera fitting is amazing and makes it a lot easier take photos. As it always by your hand and the support from the monopod is perfect. I will be getting another just to keep in the car as a spare and because when fully closed is only small can fit under the seats. This stick is great for anyone with mobility problems or even just for a general walking stick or as hiking or trekking pole.

BUY one here on Amazon


  • Walking stick with monopod, compass and wrist strap
  • 2D monopod head
  • Three-part monopod leg with round profile (2x extendable)
  • Detachable tripod socket cover with integrated compass
  • Anti-shock cushioning for comfortable walking
  • Increases the range of movement for shooting (e.g. at concerts from the back row or over obstacles, for self-portraits and subjects that are difficult to reach)
  • Anatomic grip (suitable for left and right-handed users)
  • With built-in spike and plug-on rubber top
  • Incl. snow disc


  • Min./max. height: 67/140 cm
  • Weight: 360 g
  • Profile thickness: 18 mm
  • Colour: black
  • Material: rubber, plastic, aluminium

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On a side note I converted a Peugeot partner into a stealth micro camper and I’m vlogging about my travels Inc. info on photography on Youtube, Now as I have a spinal problem this means cant walk that far & also in a lot of pain but still visit loads of places, so why not SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with the latest videos, these also Inc. reviews of gear, hobbies and anything else, just like this blog. You can also follow me on other social media inc Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & flickr, or subscribe to this blog

By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

2 thoughts on “Walking Hiking Stick Camera Monopod Review”
  1. Excellent review thanks, I’ve just purchased one as I too have leg pain mobility problems and also for my photography. Kind regards Leigh

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