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Timelapse of us doing Wasgij Mystery 15 Jigsaw

ByKevin Simon

Nov 1, 2022

On hobby we enjoy to relax is doing Wasgij jigsaws, and on this blog the most popular page if the list of the completed wasjig jigsaw puzzles. With all the solution images of every Wasgij Jigsaw puzzle. I mostly buy these second hand from car boots , charity shops et, at the time of writing this we have just under 20 that we still have to do. We mostly leave them until winter to do when it’s cold outside and you can sit in the warm and just enjoy doing a puzzle, well one of the times I set up the camera to record a timelapse of us doing Mystery 15.

The main reason for doing this was to put the video on my YouTube channel mainly to promote the page of the solutions, on this blog, but as not all readers subscribe to my YouTube channel though would share on here. and if you not subscribed to my YouTube Channel please do as not just this video, I also video my travels in a little camper I converted, for photography trips etc, and does help the channel grow, hopefully as much as this blog has.

Well anyway clock HERE to go to the list of the Wasgij solutions page on here, just incase anyone gets stuck.

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On a side note I converted a Peugeot partner into a stealth micro camper and I’m vlogging about my travels Inc. info on photography on Youtube, Now as I have a spinal problem this means cant walk that far & also in a lot of pain but still visit loads of places, so why not SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with the latest videos, these also Inc. reviews of gear, hobbies and anything else, just like this blog. You can also follow me on other social media inc Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & flickr, or subscribe to this blog

By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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