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New Ladybird Books For Grownups

ByKevin Simon

Oct 28, 2015


Just noticed there are some new ladybird books just to be released, we all remember ladybird books from our childhood. I have fond memories of some of the books from the 70’s even though when I was younger wasn’t really one for reading books. Now just to be released are ladybird books for grownups. There are 8 on the series they are as follows.

– The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness

– The Ladybird Book of Hipster

– The Ladybird Book of Dating

– The Ladybird Book of Sheds

– The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis

– The Ladybird Book of the Hangover

– How it Works: The Husband

– How it Works: The Wife

Like the children’s books they have original artwork and large script text. Even the book covers have the look of the vintage children’s books. The books are released 29th October, just looked on Amazon they are available in print form at £5.24 and kindle at £3.99 each, though available from other retailers.

The ones that look interesting to me are the Mid-Life Crisis & the book of Sheds. Not sure yet if will get the Ebooks or hardback, Though think the one I will have to get first is how it works “The Wife” as this will help me 🙂

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On a side note I converted a Peugeot partner into a stealth micro camper and I’m vlogging about my travels Inc. info on photography on Youtube, Now as I have a spinal problem this means cant walk that far & also in a lot of pain but still visit loads of places, so why not SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with the latest videos, these also Inc. reviews of gear, hobbies and anything else, just like this blog. You can also follow me on other social media inc Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & flickr, or subscribe to this blog

By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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