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JotterPad X – Writing App

ByKevin Simon

Oct 7, 2013


I have just upgrade to the latest version of jotterpad x available for android tablets. I have been a user of jotterpad for just under two years. I had brought the pro version to support the developer. I mainly used this to write my blog posts and any letters on my tablet.

The new version improves on a great app, with better folder storage and display of your notes, letters etc. The old version you could organise into folders but just wasn’t right, as you had your list for file name the left and then dropdown for library ie your folders list,  but wasn’t that easy to distinguish which folder you note was in. The new new version of jotterpad x has a improved ui for lists of your files, with either a list or thumbnail view.  Though i not sure of the large coloured letter icon of the first letter of your file, then a except of your file behind. I know this is the same as gmail app etc, but just distracts from your file view.  Though now you can see your folders in this main with great multi-select to move or delete your files.

If like me you have upgraded from jotterpad both free and hd, make sure you install version x, then upgrade the older version of jotterpad, then in the older version you have a option to migrate all your files to the new version. This only takes a few seconds and then all your text files are in the new version and in any folders you have setup. I used in the older version the backup of the database with all your files in,  as this was usefull when I reset or changed my tablet so could then restore all the files I had wrote. This function is not directly available in version X,  but all your files are in the jotterpad directory on your sd card with the folders you have set and they are in standard TXT files so easy to copy to other devices or for backup.

New features include on the fly word count,  this is a great feature as very useful for me when writing articles for this site.  You have a easy switch night mode so switches to black background and white text. You now have six different predefined styles to choose for font and layout. Also a custom setting that you can change layout,  font size etc.  This a great feature to easily switch between styles on the go for whatever style of writer you are. With the paid for version you can also save your files to PDF format,  aswell as the normal share options within android and the apps you  have installed.

JotterPad x does support sync and copy to cloud using Dropbox.  You can send a file to Dropbox and also edit any of the files you have in your Dropbox folder.  I do hope in the future will support more cloud services ie Google drive.  And at the moment I can’t see a way to do full sync of all files to Dropbox.  To be honest I don’t use jotterpad Dropbox support. I write everything I do on jotterpad then if need to share the another device I use I would then share the file to gnotes,  which syncs to my Gmail then back again to any device.  I mainly do this as I still use a android 2.3 phone the HTC Desire z as does have physical keyboard.  Which I really do prefer than touch screen keyboards.  And gnotes works both on tablet and phone where jotterpad only works on tablet devices.

JotterPad is great for just writing,  and the simple clean interface is perfect so you can just concentrate on the text that you are writing.  If need more formating options you can also export to any of the office suites in the play store and then do any formating needed.  I prefer to do it this way than using a word compatible office suite for just writing as the office apps just don’t seem right for just plain writing.  And the note apps that are available are great for just quick notes but not for full writing.

I have always used and been impressed with jotterpad hd,  now jotterpad x is out and free upgrade to creative version for users of jotterpad hd,  which is great from the developer thinking of existing customers.  Though I would still buy this app again if I had to as it is one of the most used apps on my tablet and I couldn’t do without it. So if you want a great app for just writing try jotterpad for free and if you would like to add more function then pay for the creative edition and at only £2.71 via in app purchase this is great value for money.

Here is the official description from the play store:

Download from play store HERE

JotterPad X is a minimalist writing app good for both casual and creative writers. It’s perfect for writing essay, lyrics, news article, magazine and poems. Our main goal is to achieve distraction-free writing experience for our users by keeping it as simple as possible.

JotterPad X has one of the best tools for writing in Android. The app incorporates essential features such as undo, redo, night mode, finding phrase, versions. Other features which are newly introduced include: pop up research (dictionary/thesaurus), auto-save, text styling and Markdown (Beta). JotterPad X also has full Dropbox integration. JotterPad X is now available in smartphone, 7 inch tablet and 10 inch tablet.

Some of the JotterPad X features include:
1. Full Dropbox Integration
2. Undo & Redo 
3. Night mode [Creative Version]
4. Versions [Creative Version]
5. Auto-save document to versions
6. Find exact phrase in document
7. Compatible with physical & bluetooth keyboard
8. Shortcut keys for keyboard (E.g. ctrl + Z for Undo)
9. Research – Popup Dictionary
10. Research – Popup Thesaurus [Creative Version]
11. Share document
12. Export as .pdf #
13. Live Word Count
14. Markdown (Beta) [Creative Version]
15. Lock Screen [Creative Version]
16. Adjust text styles
17. Auto-hide Actionbar

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By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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