Here are some tips for getting some extra free space if you use Dropbox.
UPDATE December 2015, Dropbox have announced the closure of two of the services listed below, Carousel in March 31st 2016 & Mailbox February 26 2016.
Invite your friends (upto 16gb)
Well the first one is simple invite your friends and for each friend that signs up for Dropbox from your referral link you will get an additional 500mb of space. The maximum space you can gain from referrals is 16gb of extra free space. Click HERE for my referral link
Dropbox Carousel app (3gb)
Carousel is a Android or IOS app that allows you to upload your photos automatically from your phone or mobile device straight to dropbox. You need to install the app and upload a photo or video, then you will have the extra space. You don’t need to keep the app on your device to keep the extra space.
Dropbox Mailbox app (1gb)
Mailbox is a Android or IOS email client, all you need to do is install the app and sign in to your dopbox account, and then the extra 1gb is there again like the carousel app you dont need to continue to use the app to keep the extra space.
The following only give you 125mb each but worth doing:
Connect your Facebook account – 125MB
Write a short text why you love Dropbox – 125MB
Connect your Twitter account – 125MB
Follow Dropbox on Twitter – 125MB
Complete the “Get Started” tour – 250MB
Total if do all the above is 750mb
Goto to HERE for any of the above
If not a user of dropbox look at other services below is a comparison of the major three cloud storage services, showing the amount you get free as standard, though with all the services you can pay a monthly or yearly fee to get extra space.
Google drive
15GB of Free space
(though this is shared between Google service that include mail, photos, docs etc.)
Microsoft OneDrive
5GB of Free space.
2GB of Free space
Myself with cloud storage I switch between Google drive and dropbox, though my preferred cloud storage for files, docs etc is dropbox, this is for various reason, but one of the main reasons is that I can easily access txt files that I create with jotterpad on my android devices and within windows using the dropbox app. I have used the sync program for Google drive but always seemed to be using so much resources and the only way to solve was to quit through task manager and restart. I have not had any problems at all with the Dropbox sync program within windows. I use google drive mainly for storage of photos, as even most of the photos that are with articles I write on here are either stored through drive or flickr, as I find it easier to admin.
On a side note if for accessing your cloud storage on Android, instead of using the official apps I would recommend ES File manager as can connect to the major cloud services including, Drive, Dropbox, OnDrive, box, Sugarsync, MediuaFire etc. Aswell as FTP, network shares etc.
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