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Christmas House Lights And Decorations 2017

ByKevin Simon

Dec 24, 2017

Each year I decorate our house with Christmas lights, this year though to be honest wasn’t really going to put anything up outside because of an ongoing medical condition which causes me a lot of pain sometimes doing the simplest of things. Normally I put the lights up for the start of December but that first week I couldn’t do that much, then it was forecast the snow for the second weekend in December which have always wanted a photo of the decorations that I put up in the snow.
So on the Friday which we did have a inch or two of snow I made a start by putting the rope light silhouettes along our fence. The previous years I normally build a shelf platform on the garden side of the fence and put large plastic light up figures and Christmas trees etc, this year it was going to be to much for me, as we had 3 different 3D rope light shapes a reindeer with sleigh, train and carriages and a reindeer. So decided just to put these up and using some cheap brackets on the inside and screws and cable ties the other was enough to hold them up.

The Saturday me and the missus started the front, I was just going simple this year with just led lights at the front, we had new lights that I brought in the sales earlier in the year so out up some on the windows both upstairs and on the kitchen window. Also around the arch way, a few months ago we did the front garden with a small water feature fountain that at the moment is turned off, I thought I would be nice to the lights on this like the water was coming down. I used a bit of plastic pipe the make the fountain higher and with red chaser lights using cables ties had them going up the pipe then down to the edges of the water feature bowl.

Normally I have icicle lights on the guttering, this year had even got a brand new large set of the nice blue and white bright led’s, but with the problems I am having it would be unsafe for me to get up a ladder, so unfortunately these didn’t go up, as well last year I had a laser projector but this was facing the back wall and because of the street lights wasn’t that affective, I was going to mount this so would go onto the side of the house, though as the cable with the transformer on was short needed to extend it, though didn’t get round to doing it.

We had all the decorations up by early Saturday afternoon so all I had to do was the wording into Junction boxes etc, which was pretty easy though was pretty cold so did get numb fingers 🙂 though when they was switched on it was worth it even the pain that I was in. And then on the Saturday night and all day Sunday the snow came down thick so that night did get the photos that I have wanted.

Inside is mostly the missus domain the same silver Christmas tree with light pink and purple tinsel and ornaments. I had brought some more Christmas village light up models but as we have had a reaming in our living room, we no longer had a bookcase, so I brought two wooden open bookcases from ikea to sit on top of our sideboard. They were the cheaper ones from ikea costing £34, but I had to cut down the one side of each so that fitted flat on top of the sideboard. We decorated with snow sheets and then the models on as well as some pink lights around as some of the older models no longer light up.

I think this year less seems better, though if can get my pain under control over this year will do a lot more next year. The living room decorations are really nice, but again because of my medical condition I am unable to sit in the living room for long because of pain so myself don’t see them as much as I’m mostly in sit in the kitchen as easier in my back on the dining chairs, so have a little Christmas tree and light up Christmas bridge in the kitchen.

Some of the photos I took of both inside and out are below, thank you for reading and wish you all a very Merry Christmas. 

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By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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