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Visit to Southport

ByKevin Simon

Oct 6, 2010

We had a weekend away at one of the major holiday parks just outside of Southport centre, so thought I would share something about our trip.  I have been to Southport before but this was only to sort some computers out there a few years ago, so never had the chance to look round at that time.

Southport centre does have some great shops, there are a few arcades, it is  a very nice shopping centre. There is some great architecture within the centre.

While we was there, the British Musical fireworks championship was on, this is a event that last 3 nights with the major firework companies doing different fireworks displays all to music, we got to see the first display on the Sunday, which was really good. see the video below for part of this display. This we found out is a yearly event.

We took the tram on the pier to the end, this was only around a pound from the centre to the end of the pier. At the end of the pier is a arcade, but just has all the old machines, these are good fun, you exchange normal money for replica old pennies.  From the end of the pier on a good day you can see Blackpool tower and the pleasure beach roller-coaster.

Here are two quick virtual 360 degree views, sorry not that good was only messing around with the settings on my camera at the time, but gives you an idea.


Walking in to the town centre from the coastal road you cross the marine way bridge, pictured above. you get great views of the marine lake. The one side of the marine  lake is the model railway which we went to see my article on this by clicking here. Southport is a great place to visit, we only spent just over half the day within the centre but was a really nice place to go. To see some of the photos click the link below:

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By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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