Quick post about road safety outside schools, as this Tuesday 19th November two girls were slightly injured by crossing the road on the main A5 Watling Street at the crossing by Deakin Ave, by the shops, going to Brownhills School at around 8:20am.
The two girls in question one was my 13yr old daughter and the other my partners 11yr old daughter, they went to cross at the lights while they was on green for the traffic, but as the traffic was stationary, they thought they would cross, one got her side knocked by the van and the other her foot was run over by the tyre. The driver stopped and helped, the paramedics came out and treated my daughter who had her foot run over by the wheel of the van and looked at my partners daughter for the bruises to her side.
We got there within about 10mins of the accident at this time the paramedic was on the scene, and the driver of the van, I must say I do thank the driver for stopping and helping. within minutes of us arriving 2 police cars and a ambulance arrived, Our kids did come away from this with very minor injuries but this could have been a lot more serious, they have had a good talking to about road safety and do think it has really sunk in, the staff at Brownhills school were also great in dealing with this and was on the ball as that day they did read to all the children a date menu about being more careful about crossing the road and general for safety.
I am mainly writing this article, so that people mainly kids think more about Road safety as we all know as drivers by any school whether primary or high school, or even colleges, the kids sometimes really don’t care and do walk in front of cars and it seems to me kids don’t have as much Road safety these days. I am at an age of the green cross code man, so was always wary about car and since then their is more than double the amount of cars in the road.
Though this is isn’t just to do with kids, again drivers don’t seem that bothered about safety on the road, and driving without can and attention to other drivers, not to sure if everybody now in a rush and on deadline so the just concern rate on the. Now myself to be honest in my earlier yeas wasn’t the safest driver, but as I have got older I do take more care, I used to drive over 30k per year so would say I am experienced driver, but again we all can make mistakes.
So please can children and parents talk to their children about Road safety, as this incident could have been more serious and this is very personal to me and I may have been writing about fatalities!