This is a section started a few years ago first I did a section following the adventures of Doctor Who, in both Lego type (Matt Smith 11th Doctor) using the Character Building sets and then action figure form (Peter Capaldi). I lost the action figure so decided that I had a lot of Lego that I sell, It made sense to use the mini figures in different locations, themes and situations. I Then brought one of the 8″ Lego torches which was the classic blue spaceman as some will know as the Benny character from the Lego movies. Then since then I have got 15 of the 8″ torches, 7 of the 12″ clock figures and over 30 of the 3″keying torch figures.
Every time we go on days out or short breaks I take a few of the different figures and get photos of them in different scenes or doing little tasks. I really photograph anything that interests me also.
Below are just some of the photos I have taken with the Lego characters, with just a quick write up on what they where doing at the time. Like i say this is only a few of the photos as of writing this and looking a my Lego tag on my photos I have got over 900 so far.
I am going to try and post one at least every 2 weeks, so why not follow the blog for updates, you can also find me on twitter, flickr, instagram, facebook etc.
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