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KS Pond Services – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement

ByKevin Simon

Mar 23, 2020

UPDATE 24th March

As the government announced last night full measures to stop the spread of the virus and that going out under only certain conditions will be allowed there was a bit of confusion with the part about going to and from work and only if you couldn’t work from home.

Now as much as I would like I can’t service fish ponds from home. I postponed the job today and until I knew what is going on, as don’t want the safety of my customers and myself put at risk. Throughout today I had been waiting on confirmation on what I can and can’t do. As it is known about other sectors ie my missus works at a discount retailer which sells food and essential items so she is a work. Though I dropped her off today and seen a couple just coming out with 2 pots of paint now that isn’t essential items well that’s my rant over.

First my job basically I don’t need at all to come into contact with any customer at all and driving to a from the job and don’t come into contact with anyone else.

It seems the government has clarified the travel to and from work. In one statement they used the term gardeners / window cleaners that are self employed and don’t come in direct contact with the customers and they are allowed to go about there business and they welcome that as well.

So in view of this I can still continue to work on your ponds though as well as the messures further down from the 22nd of March the following I am going to put into place to fully protect my customers.

I will gloves all the time while on your job though on arrival at your premises I would ask that any gates needed to access your back garden be already open, and will stay open until I leave, so you can shut yourself. While I am doing your pond I would advise you stay inside, though if you do need to come out or need to talk to me we observe the social distancing rules.

Again all surfaces that I may touch even though I have had gloves on will be fully cleaned before leaving. Again as below invoices will be electronically sent and payment by bank transfer only.

PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ME ANY DRINKS OR BRING ME OUT FOOD. I always have bottled water with me and don’t normally eat while working. so please don’t worry about that.

These measure are to keep us all safe at this uncertain time, If for any reason I do show symptoms your job will be postponed and the same goes if yourself have any symptoms.

22nd March

We are in times of uncertainty at the moment and thought this would be a good time to update my customers on the steps being taken to keep all my customers and myself safe from this virus.

There are lots of shops and businesses that have closed due to Coronavirus and at the moment I am continuing to keep the servicing and maintainance of fish ponds as longs as possible though I am putting the following procedures into place. As this is on going this may change due to government guidelines.

I would recommend that while I am doing your pond really you stay in doors, I know most of my customers like to give me drinks of coffee, don’t worry as I always bring bottled water with me. If you do have to come outside while I’m doing your job we should stick to the government guidelines of social distancing of keeping 2 metres apart.

Most of your gardens I can thought side or back gates, though some I have to come through your house at this time unfortunately anyone that have to come through your house with equipment etc I will not be doing a full service on your pond at the moment. Though if there are problems that need sorting straight away I can still come out but will make sure wear gloves etc.

I always wear latex style gloves anyway, but I will be changing them more often so won’t directly be touching any surfaces. Once the job has been done as always will be cleaned down by hose. As I would have used your hose pipe and power sockets these will be cleaned down with antiseptic wipes.

As far is payment is concerned at the moment invoices will be only sent electronically from now on, so will ask for your email address if I don’t already have on file. I will also only be accepting payment direct to bank, which is most of the payments I take anyway.

As existing customers know the last few years I have suffered from health problems, though the problems I have doesn’t make me more susceptible to this virus than anyone else, though like anyone if either myself or my family shows any symptoms then as recommended we will have to self isolate, and as the business is only myself then unfortunately may not be able to get out for 14 days. Though will still respond to calls, texts and emails.

If we all take care and do our but we can get through this, I wish all my customers good heath.

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On a side note I converted a Peugeot partner into a stealth micro camper and I’m vlogging about my travels Inc. info on photography on Youtube, Now as I have a spinal problem this means cant walk that far & also in a lot of pain but still visit loads of places, so why not SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with the latest videos, these also Inc. reviews of gear, hobbies and anything else, just like this blog. You can also follow me on other social media inc Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & flickr, or subscribe to this blog

By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

One thought on “KS Pond Services – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement”
  1. Much as I appreciate the information above about your activities, I have tried unsuccesfully by phone, mobile, voicemail and E-mail to discuss a water leakage on my pond which you serviced last July. I have received no reply. I do hope you are well enough to be working.
    Please contact me to discuss this on 07817 238862 or by E-mail. Thank you.

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