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Beacon Park Lichfield & Burntwood Tip Info

ByKevin Simon

Jun 6, 2010

Beacon Park Restoration.

On visit to beacon park in Lichfield this week I noticed the kids play area is still closed, I knew that the children’s play are was being closed from the last children’s school holiday for upgrades and restoration, but thought would have been open by now. Thew work should be completed on the play area by the main summer holidays.

There is also a lot of other restoration going on around that area including the memorial gardens, minster pool and other parts of Beacon Park, Here is a useful link to the project website Click here for uptodate information on this multi-million pound project.


Closure of Burntwood Tip.

I have been passed on this information from Paul at the Hammerwich Action Group, about the closure of the Burntwood tip, There are petitions within local shops to try to overturn the closure, please sign any petition as we all need local waste disposal sites. Here is a section from Paul’s Letter:

We have been asked (as an Action Group) to support the current objections being raised following the announcement that the waste disposal facility at Burntwood will shortly close.

A number of petitions have been put in local shops that aim to make LDC reconsider their decision. Should you feel strongly about this facility could you please sign the petition when possible.

The end result of not having a local site is the inevitable problems associated with so called ‘fly tipping’ and the cost of removal by LDC.

Please remember that all occupants are entitled to sign – not just one resident.

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On a side note I converted a Peugeot partner into a stealth micro camper and I’m vlogging about my travels Inc. info on photography on Youtube, Now as I have a spinal problem this means cant walk that far & also in a lot of pain but still visit loads of places, so why not SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with the latest videos, these also Inc. reviews of gear, hobbies and anything else, just like this blog. You can also follow me on other social media inc Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & flickr, or subscribe to this blog

By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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