I have designed a printable list as a PDF file, so you can print this off and keep it with you or a google sheets spreadsheet for mobile or desktop,so you can keep track of the wasgij's you have done or got while you are out, I have had to put as a paid download but the money goes towards keeping this site alive, but this will make sure you don't buy duplicates, which trust me I have done in the past. Payments are secure through PayPal, click images above to start purchase.
Item no. 10952 | Piece count: 500 | Year of release: 1998
It’s a busy afternoon on the high street as the local gals enjoy a spot of shopping. But something has put a smile on the faces of these gals and it’s not just an eye full of floor dropping trousers… I mean prices! Imagine you are the sweet old lady whose grin is from ear to ear and try to imagine what she’s smiling about beyond the red and white barrier that the hungry birds are perching on –.