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Burntwood Lantern Parade 2011

ByKevin Simon

Dec 8, 2011

Just a quick post about the Burntwood Lantern parade on Saturday 10th December, The Lantern parade is organised by Forward Action Burntwood (Fab) Charity. This is a yearly event, this year I have got involved with my partner and her children who did it last year, we now have built 3 different lanterns. There have been workshop over the past two weeks at the oakdene centre then at the youth club to build you lantern, as of Thursday 8th number 110 lantern rolled off the production line. So looks like it is going to be a busy parade and some of the lantern shape we have seen are very good, ours aren’t too bad either 🙂

The parade starts on Saturday 10th at 6:30pm from the youth centre and finishes at the Burntwood leisure centre, at the end of the parade there is a Christmas market that starts at around 7pm and finishes at 9pm. So even if you haven’t made a lantern it would be a nice evening to see all the lanterns made and visit the xmas market, so see you there.

UPDATE SUN 11th December

The Lantern parade went very well last night with loads turning out walking with there lanterns, also so many people watching from there houses, drive and on the paths lining the roads we walked around. We were guided by the police and a vehicle with Santa in it, the whole walk from the youth centre to Burntwood leisure centre was about 30mins. I did walk with my partner and the 3 children, though mostly I was getting some photos and videos, so i was tired with all the running i had to do, though was very enjoyable. It did seem that everyone who participated enjoyed it. The volunteers and marshal were great without them this wouldnt be able to take place.

At Burntwood lesuire centre there was a Christmas market and fare inside the building also there was the Garrick rep youth choir singing song, who were very good, all the stall had homemade crafts, jewelery, cake etc. so was great to look around. Outside the children could go and see father Christmas this was free with a donation to the rotary club.  There was a sleigh with raindeer that the children could sit on the sleigh. So was great for children of all ages.

I personally would like to congratulate all the volunteers and all those involved from forward Burntwood action (fab), as i have lived around Chasetown and Burntwood a few yaers ago and now live in Brownhills, but myself personally didn’t know about this until i met my new partner, so was great for me to enjoy something like this, and if anyone want to use my images or video please do so. Sorry some of the photos are not that good as my camera was playing up a bit, so the photos not up to my usual standards. But the video above make up for it 🙂

For more information on forward action group see there website HERE.

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By Kevin Simon

I run this blog & also self employed cleaning out fish ponds, but due to spinal problems not able to do as much, now started a youtube channel showing my converted Peugeot Partner micro camper also as interest in photography so now vlog about the trips and of course Lego figures out in the wild photos.

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